London is a city of places to be seen and explored. Tourists mostly keep on the beaten track, whereas londoners have their own secret spots and places. Wherever we go London is open; both tourists and londoners should seek to explore and take full advantage of what London has to offer.
Cards will enable the campign to be spread beyond Oxford St.. The cards can remind people to explore more of London, but most importantly, enable people to share their experience with both their own friends but also people on Oxford St.
The first set of main visuals are meant to evoke and make tourists and londoners on Oxford St. think about the fact that London has so much to offer. The second set of main visuals shows the hidden gems to explore in London which is suggested by people themselves via the hashtag #LONDONISOPEN on Instagram story.
On Oxford St. the two visuals will be show in a sequence to utilise the second visual as a inspiration for people after the impact of the first. The colours will create recognition between the two screen. Where the screens are not in proximity, the visual are shown after each other.